Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Why I'm Excited for Spring

One of my absolute favourite blogs is Life at Cobble Hill Farm. If you haven't checked it out you really should. Staci blogs about homesteading, raising chickens, cooking, making soap... I can't even list all of the amazing things she does. I admire her approach to living simply and enjoying animals, food and life! Plus, she has two adorable Frenchies. Staci recently posted a blog entitled
20 Things I Look Forward To Doing This Spring and it got me thinking and planning for spring. I decided to make my own list of reasons why I'm excited for spring. In yoga last week we set an intention for spring hoping that our energy could help coax spring along. Unfortunately, it snowed the next day. Today is -10 (Celsius) here and spring doesn't feel any closer than it did two weeks ago.

Source: We Heart It

I've always been a lister. Listing helps me get organized, gets me excited for upcoming events and has been integral to packing for trips and moves. I've made a "Summer List" every year since I was in highschool but this is my first spring list. I don't think i've ever had to make a spring list before -  normally spring feels like it's on it's way by March 26th - but not this year!

Spring List

  1. Longer Evenings: I love when the sun stays out longer. It feels like we get longer days.This has already started happening however, I find because of the cold weather it isn't enjoyable the way it is on a spring evening.
  2. Spring Flowers: I planted a "spring bed" last fall. 200 bulbs. I planted mainly tulips and hyacinths however I included a few crocuses as well. I cannot wait to see what comes up and how the bed looks.
  3. Dog Walks: Harley and I have had a seriously limited walking route this winter. Between snowed in trails, icy paths and sub-zero temperatures we have cut back on our walking routine. I cannot wait to get my hunter boots on and start exploring all of our old haunts and as many new trails as possible when the weather turns!
  4. Sitting Out: We installed a new second storey front porch last summer. I can't wait until it's no longer covered in snow and we can eat out dinner outdoors again!
  5. Planting the Veggie Garden: Last year was my first year with a veggie garden. I loved every minute of it. Cucumbers and tomatoes were my favourite. The chickens were in heaven with all of the fresh produce treats they could want! This year we'll try a few new veggies and remember our favourites from last year!
  6. Planting Planters: I love planters and hanging baskets. I can't wait to choose what I'm going to plant this year! Last year I enjoyed mixed planters and a couple of strictly geranium planters on my front porch. This year I am testing out two planters with hyacinth bulbs that have stayed out all winter... will they bloom?
  7. Cute Sandals: It always amazes me how quickly we get to start wearing sandals. I've already bought a super cute pair of leather bottomed pink strapped flip flops.
  8. Letting the Chickens Out: It's been a long winter for the chickens. It's been a long winter for a first-time chicken owner, too. They were so happy all summer and fall... they love being outside but ever since I shut them inside they've been bored, bored, bored! At this point they haven't been out since November because of the extreme weather. I did open the doors for them on two mild days and they popped their heads out but quickly went back inside. I know they will be thrilled to get back to scratching in the dirt and eating bugs in the sunshine!
  9. Cottaging: I love our family cottage. It's my safe place and my happy place. Our cottage is on a huge acreage on the lake and is truly simple: no tv, no internet, just hammocks and the screened in porch for napping, books for reading and the dock for lounging. I can't wait to get back there.
  10.  Driving with the Windows Down: I love the feel of the breeze while I'm driving on the country roads!
  11. Screen Doors: Just like the windows down, I also love letting the breeze come into the house through our screen door. There is nothing better than the fresh spring breeze.
  12. Frappuccinos: I'm a Starbucks addict. I try not to get Fraps too often because they're terrible for you but they just taste so damn good. Cinnamon Dolce Frap, Si Vous Plait!
Source: We Heart It
What are you excited for this spring? Comment and tell me I'd love to hear from you :)

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